Memorial Day is May 28, 2018

Ideas for celebrating Memorial Day in the Bluegrass:
Memorial Day Weekend Celebration, Mammoth Cave KY: Celebrate Memorial Day Weekend at Nolin Lake State Park! Park staff will be out and about with games, crafts, activities, and more for the whole family. Sandcastle competitions, volleyball games, cornhole, campfires, and more!
Memorial Day Weekend at Fort Boonesboro, Richmond KY: Memorial Day Weekend – Join us for our annual Memorial Day Weekend. We will have scheduled times for a Patriotic camper decoration contest, crafts and NASCAR race themed activities. This event is for registered campers only. For more information please call (859) 527-3454 or email [email protected].
Memorial Day Celebration 2018 at Lake Cumberland, Jamestown KY: Enjoy your Memorial Day Celebration on beautiful Lake Cumberland in Jamestown, Kentucky. Lake Cumberland State Dock Marina is hosting this event with live entertainment and lots of fun! The event will be Saturday, May 26th from 8 PM until 11:59 PM CST. Come early just to enjoy the view!
- Memorial Day Service at Lawrenceburg KY: In conjunction with the annual Memorial Day Service at the American Legion Fairgrounds, Woodsmen of the World has donated 119 American flags to replace the current flags flying at the Healing Field, a memorial to each service member from Kentucky who has died fighting the war on terror. Veterans will be stationed at each of the 119 flag poles to lower and replace the flags in unison. Family members of any of the fallen service members will be welcomed to take part in replacing their loved one’s flag.
- Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville KY: One of the nations finest flea markets with over 600 booths. Dealers from across the country featuring antiques, collectibles, jewelry, clothes, crafts, candles, bath and body, surplus and more. May 27-30. Fri 10-6, Sat 10-6, Sun 11-5, Mon 10-5. Free admission. For information call 502-456-2244 or log on to
Memorial Day Weekend at Levi Jackson State Park, London KY: This is our annual Memorial Day Celebration weekend for our campers! Recreation activities will be planned for children and adults and also the Levi Jackson State Park pool will open up for the season. Camping reservations are recommended. Please observe holiday weekend camping rates. Minimum 3 night stay. Call (606) 330-2130 for more information or e-mail [email protected].
- Memorial Day Celebration (Campers Only) at Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington KY: Come visit the Kentucky Horse Park Campground to enjoy the kick off of Summer. The junior-sized Olympic pool will open! During the five night stay, campers will be treated to an ice cream social, crafts for the kids, live music, a free lunch sponsored by Northside RV and much more!
How Soft Shoe is celebrating Memorial Day & the Beginning of Summer
What says Summer more than Chaco® sandals in the sand, on the ocean, on the lake or exploring your ol’ Kentucky Home! So to celebrate Memorial Day and the unofficial start to the long-awaited Summer, we are giving away one pair of Chaco® Sandals (for men or women).
The Giveaway starts today!! Here’s how to enter:
- Visit Soft Shoe’s Instagram page @softshoeinc
- Follow our Instagram profile – Hit Follow.
- Like today’s post (May 15, 2018) about the Chaco Giveaway.
- Comment below the photo and tag at least one friend. Each tag counts as an additional entry. (ONE TAG PER COMMENT PLEASE)
- Runs through May 27th at Midnight.
- Winner will be announced on May 28th!
Take a Stay-cation in the Bluegrass
Since Memorial Day unofficially marks the beginning of summer, our minds and daydreams lead to Summer Vacation! As many of our college students and families begin to make vacation plans, they may not have the means or the time to take a long-distance or exotic beach vacation. No worries, there is so much to do right here in the Bluegrass! Here are some Stay-cation ideas for those who are homebound this summer:
Get in the Spirit on the Bourbon Trail. “Go where the spirit leads you!” If this has been on your bucket list, then put this on your Summer 2018 to-do list. Tour a Bluegrass bourbon distillery and you’ll not only learn how bourbon is made, but you’ll start to understand why the “good old whiskey of old Kentucky” has inspired pride, passion (and even poetry) among Kentuckians. Awaken your senses and explore the birthplace of Bourbon as you embark on a self-guided journey to discover the story inside every bottle on The Kentucky Bourbon Trail® and the Kentucky Bourbon Trail Craft Tour®:
Tour Kentucky’s Wine Country. The Grape is Back in the Bluegrass. The first commercial wine vineyard in the United States was planted on a hill near the Kentucky River in 1798 by Jacques Dufour. The story of wine’s renaissance in Kentucky is entwined with the story of Kentucky’s tobacco industry. Tobacco sustained many Kentucky family farms for generations. Changing attitudes and regulations have left many farmers searching for an alternative to their tobacco crops. The shift away from tobacco has spurred many Kentucky farm families to discover what Jacques Dufour discovered over two hundred years ago: the climate and the soil in the Bluegrass Region are excellent for wine grapes. (See video about KY’s Unbridled Vines) Tour Wine Country:
Horse around on local Horse Farm Tours. Visiting a horse farm is a uniquely Bluegrass kind of experience you’ll long remember. And it’s easier than you might think. There are about 450 horse farms in the region (about 150 in Lexington/Fayette County alone). They’re all working farms – which means you should never just “drop by” -but more than a few allow visitors by appointment or through arrangements with professional tour companies. More info:
Dip your toes in the water. For those who long for that beach vacation, Kentucky has 40+ lakes and countless rivers and creeks. Known for its glistening lakes, serene streams, and roaring rivers, some say that the best Kentucky has to offer involves the water. From afternoons canoeing along undisturbed routes to weeklong vacations on a lakeshore houseboat, the Bluegrass State has a water adventure for every schedule. But you don’t have to be a rugged outdoorsman or serious paddler to experience these activities for yourself. Here are some water-themed vacation ideas:
Take a Trip Back in Time into our History. Kentucky is the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, home of his wife Mary Todd, home of numerous Kentucky Civil War forts and battlefields, Appalachian festivals, art and coal field culture, African American heritage and Native American historic sites such as the Trail of Tears, the Civil Rights Trail, and so much more. Come learn about our rich history. Find out more:
Visit Berea – where Art’s Alive! Berea is home to a thriving population of weavers, instrument makers, furniture artisans, jewelry designers, glass workers, potters, painters, sculptors and musicians. The story of Berea’s artisan community is interwoven with the historic Berea College, the first interracial and coeducational college in the South. Berea has a longstanding tradition of diversity, social justice, environmental responsibility and community service. With a growing number of local eateries, don’t miss out on the unique Taste of Berea! For details, attractions and upcoming events:
Visit Richmond – where History Comes Alive! Whether you’re just passing through Richmond KY or plan to stay awhile, whether you’re here with family or friends, whether you love history or nature, antiquing or golfing, shopping or stargazing, there’ll be something here to catch your fancy. You’re missing out if you’re not in Richmond! See more local history, events & attractions, historical sites including the Battle of Richmond Visitors Center & Battlefield Park, Fort Boonesborough State Park, and the Irvinton House Museum:
There are so many more Stay-cation ideas that offers something for everyone (antiquers, golfers, bluegrass music lovers, arts & crafters, outdoors enthusiasts and foodies). Start your trip with a comfortable, quality and supportive pair of shoes and see where the road takes you. At Soft Shoe, we got you covered as we say, “Good Shoes take you to Great Places.”
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