“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss, Author
Valentine’s Day is a day to show love & appreciation to your family, partners and friends with thoughtful gifts and sweet messages. How better to show how much you care than a gift they can use, can keep and cherish, and which will improve their comfort and style? Flowers die and chocolates melt (as well as add unwanted pounds)! Choose a gift that will help your loved ones keep their new years’ resolutions, for example … a new pair of Brooks running shoes.
Soft Shoe is Giving away a pair of Brooks Running Shoes
To show our love for our many loyal customers, we are giving away one pair of Brooks Running Shoes for Men or Women (winner chooses style and size). Giveaway now closed!
- WINNER: Vernon Morgan of Richmond KY, Barber at D & V Barbershop
- Vernon’s valentine is … “My valentine is my wife, she is such a loving and caring person. My wife is the heartbeat of our family, with out her we would be nothing. My hope is our daughter grows up to be as ambitious, successful, and stunning as her mother. My wife is a healthcare provider, she treats her patients like her family. On top of her amazing intelligence, her kind heart and her selfless nature, she is beautiful inside and out. To say she is a 10 is underrating her!”
Congratulations Vernon! We hope you (or your wife) enjoy the new pair of Brooks Running Shoes from Soft Shoe.
Here a preview of our large inventory of Brooks including the new Levitate, Adrenaline GTS 17, Launch 5, Ravenna 8, Beast 16, Glycerin 15, Ghost 10, Transcend 5 and more. Brooks running shoes are designed and built with smart technologies to give you the right fit and function on every run. They offer 3D Fit Print© which uses a revolutionary process that uses screen-print technology to apply engineered structure to the uppers of the shoes, so it maintains the shoe structure with increased flexibility and lighter weight.
When it comes to Valentine’s Day Gifts, we are so much more than shoes!
Do you struggle each year to find the perfect gift for your Valentine? No worries, we have gifts that fit every budget and taste. At Soft Shoe, we are so much more than shoes! We have women’s and men’s apparel in Patagonia, Southern Marsh, True Grit, Simply Southern, North Face and Under Armour. We also are featuring a new line of Simply Southern accessories and gifts that include pins, key fobs, wristlets, pocket mirrors, bags, wallets, earrings and more. We have handmade, unique jewelry for every budget by Kate & Taylor, Refunked Junk, Leeds Fine Jewelry, Gingersnaps, Pretty Hunter, and Anju. We also have Kavu bags and Hobo bags and wallets. And for the finicky Valentine, we have Soft Shoe Gift Cards year round! (Visit the store for details and prices.)
Love is in the Air at Soft Shoe!
Want to earn a $10 Soft Shoe Gift Card? It’s easy as letting us Walk a Mile in your Shoes!
- Go to our online Walk a Mile Questionnaire – click here!
- Fill it out completely and we’ll send you a $10 Gift Card to your email address.
- On the last question, let us know if you’re willing to let us feature you and your story on our Walk a Mile Video Series. If you’re selected for our video series, we’ll provide you a $100 Gift Card for your time and participation!
See our Walk a Mile Series: Valentine’s Day Edition to see the story of our local lovebirds, Nick & Kirsten.
Favorite shoe store
Tom Fritz / favorite valentine
My sweetheart of 28 years is Tim Walters. This man is my world. He does everything in his power to provide for his family and he never lets us down. He’s a wonderful father and husband and I’m blessed to call him mine! ?
This year my Valentine is actually my Valentine(S); my family.
Not the typical Valentine “someone special” but they are special to me. I’ve heard wonderful things about Brooks and as someone who is on their feet all day for work, I think these would be great!
My husband is my Valentine. He has put up with me for 23 years & through many trials, our marriage has gotten stronger. I couldn’t ask for anything else.
My valentine is my girlfriend. She has been my valentine for the past two years and hopefully many more: she is one of the most caring, goofiest , and kind people I know and I’m lucky to call her my valentine
Valentine’s day 19 years ago he asked me to be his wife. And I said yes faster than he could get the words out! Lol. My Valentine Adam Agee has seen me in all stages of life the good and bad. And thankfully he loves me unconditionally. I’d be lost without him!
My Valentine is my boyfriend of almost four years now who is living proof of an answered prayer. God knew I needed him in my life and he is the best example of a God-fearing, hard-working, faithful-leading man who will put anyone before himself. He inspires me every single day to be the best person I can be and I know he leads his students in his classroom to do the same. Not only is he one of my greatest blessings, but he’s kinda cute too.
My Valentine is my husband, Rick. We’ve been married 17 years and have 3 sons. Rick is my best friend and loves our boys intensely! He works hard to provide for our family so I can be home with our boys. We homeschool and he is very much involved with their education.
He coaches our youngest son’s soccer team and has been coaching at different stages of our other sons’ sports, as well. Rick loves to run and makes time to run almost every day. He has ran several marathons. He is committed to running! He would love to win a pair of Brooks running shoes. Thank you, Soft Shoe, for contests to win prizes like this!
My husband of 28 years is still my valentine. He is my best friend, We have made a lot of memories over the years and look forward to making many more.
I’m have three loves! Tommy, Micah, & Morgan! They make up the best little family I could ever have asked for!
My husband is my awesome valentine he is my rock and my shelter from the storms. He has been with me through good and bad I literally lost my mom dad and grandma within 5 years time he was with me every step of the way he is a keeper ♥️♥️♥️♥️
My Valentine is my husband <3 We've been married 4 years now and have been blessed with our beautiful daughter. Having my wonderful little family means the most.
My Valentine is my husband. We’ve just celebrated 14 years together in January. We will celebrate 9 years married in June. He’s the father to my two beautiful children and he’s a great dad to them.
I don’t have a valentine BUT if I did he would be……
Happy Valentines Day to all the single women out there! Don’t settle for less that the best! Let God choose your soul mate for you!
Kind,sweet,caring,supportive,hard working, and most of all he would love God more than he loved me. ?
My valentine is my son who could really use a new pair of shoes. He is about to experience the life of being a poor college student
My valentine is my husband. He’s my best friend & the love of my life. He is the sweetest thing. One of his many sweetness’ is, he puts my coffee pod & creamer beside the Keurig for me every morning since he leaves for work earlier than I do.
My Valentine is my husband, we’ve been married 17 years this May. He’s mine and our children’s everything ?
My Valentine is Walter Stubblefield. We are high school sweethearts and having been dating for 4 years now. He helped me train for my first half marathon, and never stopped encouraging me to reach my goals. Im so lucky to always have him at my finish lines.
My Valentine is My boyfriend . We are high school sweethearts and having been dating for 4 years now. He helped me train for my first half marathon, and never stopped encouraging me to reach my goals. Im so lucky to always have him at my finish lines.
My husband is my special Valentine and has been for over 20 years. God brought us together (he even remembers I wore a red shirt on the day we met) and he has stood by me during all the low times in my life. He has been my nurse during breast cancer, my rock when suddenly my job was abolished that I thought was such a good professional decision when I accepted it 3 months earlier. And now he is my left hand/arm after I dislocated my shoulder and fractured 4 bones in a fall. Now he has to work and help even more with the household duties since I cannot for a year (I was told by MD!!). Quite an amazing man and I love him whether we (as we are a part of each other) win this or not. Happy Valentines to everyone
My valentine is my high school sweetheart Ben who I’ve been with for three years. We have been best friends and inseperable since the day we met. I love how hard working he is at everything he does. He cares for me like no one ever has before and I have so much respect for the man he’s become over the last few years. He makes me laugh too which is the most important part:)
My Valentine is my husband of 39 years!! Our 40th anniversary is this October, and I hope we have many more healthy years together. Retirement with him has been wonderful!! He’s simply the best!!
My valentine is my wonderful husband Steve we have been married for 5 years we have 5 kids and 7 grandchildren and he is the love of my life !
My valentine is my wonderful husband Steve we have been married 5 years I feel God puts us together he is a blessing from God we together have 5 children and together we have 7 grandchildren I love him so much he is my valentine
My husband and I shopped about a week or so ago. He got a pair of Brooks and loves them, I got Chacos and I love them. I still need new athletic shoes and I know that Hubby would be very happy if I won them.
I truly need a pair of Brooks shoes. I went on a cruise in October of last year and injured my knee caps. I’m still in physical therapy. My knee caps were damaged. The PT said I need Brooks shoes and to get them at your store (Soft Shoe). So I would love to win a pair!!
My valentine is my wife, she is such a loving and caring person. My wife is the heartbeat of our family, with out her we would be nothing. My hope is our daughter grows up to be as ambitious, successful, and stunning as her mother. My wife is a healthcare provider, she treats her patients like her family. On top of her amazing intellengence, her kind heart and her selfless nature, she is beautiful inside and out. To say she is a 10 is underrating her!
Congratulations, you’re the winner!!
My Valentine is my husband, Brent Bradley. As a police officer, he gives his time, energy, emotional health, and heart so selflessly to the community he serves. Last year he helped to organize a First Responders camp for the middle school-aged kids in the community. He worked tirelessly to make sure the kids were entertained while teaching those lessons to teenagers that most parents squirm about. (Drugs, alcohol, bullying, first aid/cpr…etc). Judging by his excitement in seeing it come together, you would have thought they were paying him a million dollars to do this, but no…he did it for the kids. To help build positive relations between the kids and first responders in he community. This man carries stuffed animals and coloring books in the back of his cruiser just in case he has to arrest some child’s parent. He gives the kids these so they aren’t afraid or to offer some comfort.
Additionally, In December, I had a hysterectomy and he used the remaining 2 weeks he had left of sick and vacation time to be able to take care of me. I didn’t have to ask for anything! I realized how lucky i was then. Before him, there’s no way i would’ve had such an easy time recovering. These are just a few examples….here are tons more but you don’t have space on this blog. ? As an independent single mother, he has loved me and my son unconditionally for the last 7 years. His heart is what I saw in him when he was coaching my son’s T-ball team all those years ago and what I continue to love about him now. He has his hands full with us and I’m not the most affectionate person. I wanted to share this because I know he deserves some kudos and I appreciate him. I love you and i don’t know where I’d be without you Brent Bradley.
My Valentine would be my awesome husband. Me and my husband have been married for 48 years. I am so blessed to have found my friend and soul mate. It would be great to win this.
My Valentin is my husband and kids! They each make my life full of happiness.
My Valentine is David Cannon the 2nd. Yes that’s literally his full name and how he introduces himself. We’ve only been together for 3 months, but I’ve have never laughed so much as I did in these months. The first thing you’ll notice about David is that he almost always wears a fedora, the 2nd thing you’ll notice is his unique character and the 3rd thing you’ll notice is his love for Christ. He’s constantly serving others and a great friend that is there when no one else is. One of my favorite thing to do together is walk around campus and downtown, because you should always apperciate the small things in life. We are so different in many ways but when come together I think we make a purdy epic team. I’m beyond grateful to have this man in my life and I can’t wait to see what else God has in stored!
My Valentine is my Husband of thirty three years. He is the Rock of our family. I’ve seen him do so much for so many and that’s what makes me fall in love with him more and more each day.
My valentine is my sweet husband of 28 years! He is my rock! I love him through good times and bad, through sickness and in health, through all the days of our lives.
My Valentine is my husband, Patrick. We had our first date on 2/9/08 and we knew we were meant to be from that first date. He is my best friend. He actually introduced me to Brooks and they are the only athletic shoe either of us wear.
I need a new pair of tennis shoes!????pick me!!!!
My valentines are my 4 grand babies!! They range from 10 years old to 2 years. I love them so much!! When I see their faces it makes my heart swell and overflow with love!! I love spending time with them making memories!
My husband, Rick is my sweetheart. We married after only going on 6 dates. We had went to Gatlinburg to hear his favorite southern gospel quartet, The Cathedrals. He asked me to marry him after the concert and we married the next day. I married in purple Duckhead shorts and K-Swiss tennis shoes. We will celebrate 25 years of marital bliss in September. Our church is doing a vow renewal the end of February, would love to trade the K-Swiss in for a pair of Brooks.
Brooks running shoes are are the best for showing your feet some LOVE
My valentine is my fiancé Cody. We’ve been together for 5 years and every day he makes me a better person. He encourages me to face my fears and go after my goals no matter how scary or big I think they are. Running and exercise are some of his passions and winning a new pair of Brooks for him would be awesome!
My Sweetheart is Brad Logan. After. Being divorced for 7 years it’s my first Valentines Day to spend with a someone special. And it just happens to be with this wonderful man that God hads brought into my life. We have only dated now 3 months but honestly it seems like a lot longer. These 3 months have been wonderfully filled with love laughter and so many fun adventures Wonderful times with our kids and family along with Just Us time So this Valentines Day I celebrate the joy and honor to have such a loving kind man in my life. I hope we have an evening of fun laughter and most of all just holding hands and enjoy and appreciate each other. I hold all of this so dear and never take for granted having someone to hold my hand and hug
My Valentine will be Gary, he was my high school sweetheart for 4 years, then another 3 years before we were married in June of 1978. Our 40 year anniversary is June 24! Here’s to new running shoes so you can keep up with me, LOL
I love Brooks but I love Michael Morrison more. He’s my valentine of 12 years and I just can’t imagine my life without him!
He is the epitome of “in sickness and in health” since I had a stroke 3 years ago. He wheeled me around in a wheel chair and now I can walk with a cane. He truly has been by my side.
Since I must wear an AFO, Brooks running shoes give me the stability I need for every day. I’ve tried to wear other shoes and always go back to Brooks.
Thank you
My Valentine is my husband of 15 years. He’s so hardworking and always provides for us. He always spoils me and our girls. He deserves to be spoiled with a new pair of shoes!
My valentine is my husband, Josh. He is my best friend and support system. I am very blessed to have a God fearing, hard working, and kind man.
My Valentine is my daughter!!!! She has my whole heart… she represents the true meaning of love!!
My Valentine is George Baker. He’s the best dad and hubby in the world because his number one priority is taking care of his girls (4 girls counting me)! He’s hard working, caring, and my best friend. He could also use a new pair of Brooks because he’s going to run his first trail run this year!
My valentine is My boyfriend Nathan Hudson! He takes care of me our furbabies, buys me food all the time, and loves me unconditionally! He is always making me laugh
My Valentine is my mom who means so much to me! Also, I’ve ran in brooks glycerins since I was 12 years old, so this would be awesome!
My hubby is my valentine!
My Valentines are my husband Chad and newborn son, Kenneth! My husband helps out in more ways than most dad’s with our son. He helps give him a bath, changes his diaper during feedings, plays with him, allows me to take naps on the weekends and most importantly gives lots of love and cuddles! My son has brought so much joy to our lives. His grin is priceless and makes any bad day so much better!
My beautiful girlfriend Taeyah. She means so much to me because she loves Jesus and works so hard to be all she can be for me. There is never a bad day with her.
I have been with my sweetheart for 11 yrs total. Married for 8yrs. I never knew some one like him existed after a bad marriage. He went from being single (never been married and no children) to being a husband and father . He adopted my son a few years ago and life couldn’t me more perfect! He was definitely the piece that was missing in mine and my sons life
My Valentine in Human Anatomy and Physiology. I get to take a huge exam and go to A&P lab on Valentine’s Day! This means so much to me because it gets me one step (pun intended) closer to earning my nursing degree. And who doesn’t know a nurse who needs a great pair of shoes???
My favorite Valentine is my dog. No one else loves me as much as she does. Not even my kids pee themselves when they see me.
My valentine is my wife Brittany. She’s not only my wife but my best friend. She’s a stay at home mom- three kids; 5, 3, & 2 year olds. I work in a factory 12+ hours a day usually 6-7 days a week. So I’m not home much to help her. Brittany deserves the world and I’m just trying to give it to her a little at time. Because she puts her whole heart into our marriage and our children & loves us all unconditionally- she will forever be my Valentine.
I’d love to win this for her.
My valentine has to be my husband! He totally gets me and my love for shoes!!!
My 4 sons and my husband are my Valentine’s. ? We are always on the go supporting our boys’ sports and activities and we wouldn’t want it any other way.